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Jacques Pradon

Andere Namen
  • Jacques Pradon
1632 - 1698
BiographieJacques Pradon (Rouen 1632 - Paris 1698), der oft Nicolas Pradon genannt wird, war ein französischer Dramatiker. In einem frühen Stadium seiner Karriere wurde ihm von Pierre Corneille geholfen; er wurde von Madame Deshoulières in die Salons des Hotel de Nevers und des Hotel de Bouillon eingeführt. Pradon ist der Autor von acht Tragödien: "Pyrame et Thisbé" (1674), "Tamerlan ou la mort de Bajazet" (1676), Phèdre et Hippolyte" (1677), "La Troade" (1679), "Statira" (1680), "Regulus" (1688), "Germanicus" (1694), "Scipion" (1697). Seine Stücke erfreuten sich eines gewissen begrenzten Erfolgs, wurden aber von seinem Rivalen Jean Racine sowie dessen ästhetischem Alliierten Nicolas Boileau streng beurteilt, (...) ("Der einzige Unterschied zwischen Pradon und mir besteht darin, dass ich zu schreiben verstehe" soll Racine gesagt haben).

(Jacques Pradon, often called Nicolas Pradon, (Rouen 1632 - Paris 1698) was a
French playwright. Early in his career he was helped by Pierre Corneille and was introduced to the salons at the Hôtel de Nevers and the Hôtel de Bouillon by Madame Deshoulières.

Pradon is the author of eight tragedies: Pyrame et Thisbé (1674) (see Pyramus and Thisbe), Tamerlan, ou la mort de Bajazet (1676), Phèdre et Hippolyte (1677), La Troade (1679), Statira (1680), Regulus (1688), Germanicus (1694) and Scipion (1697). His plays enjoyed a certain limited success, but were severely judged by his rival Jean Racine, who also wrote tragedies based on the stories of Bajazet (Bayezid I) and Phaedra ("The only difference between Pradon and me is that I know how to write", Racine is reported to have said), and Racine's supporter Nicolas Boileau. This rivalry was particularly intense when Pradon brought out his Phèdre et Hippolyte at the same time as Racine's Phèdre (the writers Donneau de Visé and Adrien Thomas Perdou Subligny both took Pradon's side), and throughout his life Pradon wrote several attacks on Boileau.

Pradon's plays have been largely denigrated by modern critics, both for his lack of imagination or historical awareness and his utter adherence to the three unities and the "bienséances": refusing to show a stepmother in love with her stepson, Pradon made Phèdre merely Theseus' fiancée and Pradon's character of Tamerlan (Timur) walks and acts like a gentleman of the 17th century French court.)

Quelle: (Stand: Nov. 2009; Übersetzung und Auswahl: Theatermuseum)

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