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Elijah Moshinsky

Andere Namen
  • Elijah Moshinsky
geboren 1946
BiographieGeboren am 8. Januar 1946 in Schanghai, China. Sohn von Abraham und Eva (Mädchenname: Krasavitsky) Moshinsky, heiratete am 5. Juni 1970 Ruth Dyttmann. Kinder: Benjamin und Jonathan.

(Born January 8, 1946, in Shanghai, China; son of Abraham and Eva (maiden name, Krasavitsky) Moshinsky; married Ruth Dyttmann, June 5, 1970; children: Benjamin, Jonathan. Addresses: Agent: William Morris Agency, 52-53 PolandSt., London W1S 7LX, England.) (Stand: Nov. 2009; Übersetzung: Theatermuseum)

ELIJAH MOSHINSKY made his San Francisco Opera debut in 2001 with this production of Simon Boccanegra. His first theater engagement was with Royal Opera, Covent Garden, where he produced an acclaimed Peter Grimes conducted by Colin Davis. In 1980, he became principal producer at the Royal Opera, where his productions of Lohengrin, The Rake's Progress, and Stiffelio won Olivier awards for best opera production. Other Royal Opera productions include Macbeth, Samson et Dalila, Tannhäuser, Otello, Handel's Samson, Die Entführung aus dem Serail, Attila, Simon Boccanegra, Aida, Stiffelio, and Il Trovatore. Productions elsewhere include Le Grand Macabre, The Bartered Bride, and Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg at English National Opera; Ernani, Béatrice et Bénédict, Cavalleria Rusticana, and Pagliacci at Welsh National Opera; La Forza del Destino and La Bohème at Scottish Opera; The Makropulos Case, Nabucco, and Attila at Houston Grand Opera; and Il Trovatore and The Dialogues of the Carmelites at Opera Australia. Moshinsky has also created productions for Paris Opera, La Scala, Florence's Maggio Musicale, the Holland Festival, Teatro Regio in Turin, Lyric Opera of Chicago, and in Amsterdam and Geneva.

Quelle: (Stand: Nov. 2009)
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