ObjektnummerP 1990-378
Monumentale Glasplatte mit Portrait von Richard Wagner
TitelMonumental portrait plaque of Richard Wagner
Albert Wiegel
(Glashütte bei Ziegenhagen 1869‒1943 Kassel)
Val Saint-Lambert
(gegründet 1825)
Richard Wagner
(DE, 1813 - 1883)
Datierungdatiert 1913
Material/TechnikFarbloses, leicht grünstichiges Glas, geschliffen, geschnitten, gemeißelt, diamantgeritzt
Maße(H x B x T): 33 x 27 x 3,3 cm
Klassifikation3D Kunst - Glaskunst
Copyright DigitalisatFoto: Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf
Literatur/QuellenVgl. Franz-Adrian Dreier, Albert Wiegel - A Glass Engraver of the Wilhelminisch Epoch, in: Journal of Glass Studies 15, 1973, S. 174-183, hier S. 181: The art historian Henry Thode, ... after seeing another large crystal plate completed in 1913 with Wagner's portrait exclaimed, 'This wonderful work should belong to Bayreuth; it should be seen only there at a sacred place, seen by all who are tuned in the high and the beautiful under the influence of Wagner's music.' But Wiegel, who was particularly fond of this work, did not want to give it up. He exhibited it by itself in Bayreuth eleven years later in the Gallery Nierenheim."In Sammlung(en)
Kunstpalast - Glassammlung
Stempel/Zeicheneingraviert "fec. Albert Wiegel 1913 Cassel"