Dagmar Schwarz
- Dagmar Schwarz
geboren 1965
1985 Abitur fotografische Ausbildung anschliessend Studium der Kunstgeschichte Studium Kulturmanagement lebt und arbeitet in Düsseldorf
Über die Arbeit
Creation is the birth of something and something cannot come from nothing. Creativity is somehow a rebirth from all our experiences and perspectives, the desire to express ourselves. What was, what is and what could be... A true tone we feel for ourselves and for our world. Then our work becomes real part of who we are. Maybe all this is a question of how deep we are willing to go... Peter Lindbergh
Künstlerwebseite: http://www.simplyphotography.de
Kontakt telefonisch: 0172 2050595
Kontakt per E-Mail: dag.schwarz@googlemail.com
Adresse: Münsterstraße 13, 40477 Düsseldorf
Schlagwort zur PersonKünstlerleben Düsseldorf
Nationality: deutsch
1981 - 1987