Changwon Lee
- Changwon Lee
geboren 1972
1991 - 1997 Studium Frei Kunst / Nat. Uni. Seoul
1993 - 1995 Wehrdient
seit 1999 Kunstakademie Münster (bei Prof. G. Bijl)
2004 Meuisterschüler ebd.
Über die Arbeit
' ... The work of Changwon Lee finds itself on the complex axe between painting and photography ... the artist does guestion though arts of representation and the process of perception. Each work consists of a number of long vertical small wooden planks on which part of the perceived image is pasted. The perceived image only appears through a process of reflections and optical laws...' Philippe v. Cauteren
Kontakt telefonisch: 0177-4402157
Kontakt per E-Mail:
Adresse: Oberbilker Allee 190, 40227 Düsseldorf
GeburtsortKorea, Rep./Süd
Schlagwort zur PersonKünstlerleben Düsseldorf
Nationalität: koreanisch
geboren 1974