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Bild nicht vorhanden für CHIKAMATSU MONOGATARI, 1954


Titel DeutschErzählung nach Chikamatsu, Eine
Titel DeutschLegende vom Meister der Rollbilder, Die
BeschreibungTo save her brother and the ancestral house from the heavy burden of an unfulfilled debt, Osan--the noble wife of the parsimonious but reputable scroll-maker, Ishun--turns to her husband's kind-hearted employee, Mohei. However, a transparent forgery paired with a preposterous accusation will force the pair to escape from the printer's unwelcome Kyoto household, seeking refuge in 17th-century Osaka's inhospitable streets. Now, amid scandalous and disquieting rumours--and constantly under threat--Mohei and Osan seem to fight a lost battle. What fate awaits the fugitives from Chikamatsu?
KlassifikationTon/bewegtes Bild - Werk
Abteilung FM Filme
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