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Geem Yoonjee

  • Geem Yoonjee
BiographyBorn in 1977 Seoul, south Korea
Lives and works in Düsseldorf, Germany

2004-2012 Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Magister, Arthistory, ostasian arthistory, cultur-science,
1998-2002 BFA Fine Art, Sookmyung Woman's University Seoul, south Korea

- Solo Ausstellungen
2017 "Geem Yoonjee/ rotation", project room in Cell63 Berlin, Berlin
2012, DADAPOST, Berlin, Deutschland
2009, David Nickels Gallery, Berlin, Deutschland
2008, Korean Cultural Center Germany, Berlin,

- Grouppen Ausstellungen
2016 - Gongju nature and art biennale, Nationalmuseum Gongju, Gongju, süd Korea (collaboration art work with composer Jongin Moon)
- "Rotarion 13' 40.88'' N 48' 38.79'' E 40.11m", Galerei Plan D, Düsseldorf,

The concept of time is at the core of Geem Yoonjees' works. Since the beginning of her artistic experience, the Cologne based artist has been analysing the physical and philosophical aspects of this concept with the aim of reaching that impalpable, invisible immateriality strictly related to its amorphous essence.
Her work can be easily described as an attempt to visualize this immaterial concept, to transform it into something palpable, with the aim to stimulate in the observer a physical response.

Anschrift: Steubenstrasse 3, 40599 Düsseldorf
Telefon: 017672220155
Schlagwort zur PersonKünstlerleben Düsseldorf