Object numberCDA.G_DE_KSVC_I-41-4
Doppelbildnis Kurfürst Friedrichs des Weisen und seines Bruders Johann des Beständigen von Sachsen
TitelDouble Portrait of Elector Friedrich the Wise and his brother Johann the Steadfast of Saxony
Datenach 1510#after 1510
MediumDruck auf Papier
[Cat. Coburg 2020, no. 51a]
[Cat. Coburg 2020, no. 51a]
DimensionsBlatt: 138 x 119 mm
Darstellung: 132 x 117 mm
[Cat. Coburg 2020, no. 51a]
#Sheet: 138 x 119 mm
Image: 132 x 117 mm
[Cat. Coburg 2020, no. 51a]
Darstellung: 132 x 117 mm
[Cat. Coburg 2020, no. 51a]
#Sheet: 138 x 119 mm
Image: 132 x 117 mm
[Cat. Coburg 2020, no. 51a]
ClassificationsGrafik - Druckgrafik
Provenance- Verzeichnis 1854
- Inventar I (1872)
[Cat. Coburg 2020, no. 51a]
- Inventar I (1872)
[Cat. Coburg 2020, no. 51a]
MarkingsVerso: in Bleistift: "444", "123"
[Cat. Coburg 2020, no. 51a]
um 1550 - 1580 #about 1550 - 1580