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Bild nicht vorhanden für NOG EENS, 1982


Titel DeutschNoch einmal
Titel EnglischOnce Again
Sonstiger TitelEncore Une Fois
Beschreibung"Short animation film gives a picture of what the world will look like after the bomb drops. Macabre jokes provide a frightening picture of the future."
(Text im DVD-Begleitheft)

Earth has become a desolate barren planet after a nuclear war destroyed the planet for good. Only few survivors are left, they live in the vicinity of bomb shelters. Weird inexplicable things are going on, the first mutations begin to show. A sad man wanders around the surface, seemingly with no purpose, while mankind is slowly coming to life. A farmer starts seeding, a tune from a piano sounds, a woman is breastfeeding plants. Then the man finds what he is looking for: a knotted rope, hanging from a tree.
KlassifikationTon/bewegtes Bild - Werk
  • Nederland
FilmgenreDrama (Film)
Abteilung FM Filme