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Brief von Eve Curie an Mr. Johnson, Seite 1 und 2
Korrespondenz von Eve Curie an Unbekannt
Brief von Eve Curie an Mr. Johnson, Seite 1 und 2
Brief von Eve Curie an Mr. Johnson, Seite 1 und 2

Korrespondenz von Eve Curie an Unbekannt

Absender*in (FR, 1904 - 2007)

Dear Mr. Johnson,
I enjoyed so very much
your nice letter of
October 20th, and I
wanted to reply to
it much sooner, but
some business always
came and disturbed me.
I am working pretty
hard since October,
an my first
concert will probably
take place in Fe-

bruary ¿ but it is not
quite sure yet.
I feel more and more
what an enormous and
long work every-body
has to do before beeing
able to do his business
well, and sometimes
I am afraid of the
great amount of practi-
sing I have to
do four years and
years before beeing
what I call a good
pianist ! - A few
days ago I had
my 20th birthday

and I was so awfully
sorry to be one year
older !
Mother was sorry
she could not meet
Mrs. Johnson and you,
and we hope
that you will come
again to our country
very soon. Mother
-as she always did, is
working very hard in
the laboratory
and she is very tired.
I want her to go again
for a little while
in the South of France
but she says she hasn't
any time to do so.

You have now in Un. States
one of our best pianists
Mr. Braibowky, a very
remarquable musician and
virtuose. I took a few
lessons with him before
working with Mr. Cortot.
I heard that he had
a tremendous success at
his débuts in New York.
Perhaps you had the
opportunity of hearing him
I am thinking very
often at our meeting
in Paris last september
with Mrs. Johnson and
you; I remember
that I wanted so

strongly to look
¿like you say
my pickere looks(?)¿,
since I felt that
I was looking just
stupid and saying
silly things!...
When this letter
will come to
New York it will
be about New Year¿s
time. Please
accept our best
wishes from my
mother and

myself. I hope
that you will have
a very happy New
year ¿
With my best wishes
for Mrs. Johnson and you
Very sincerely yours
Eve Curie

KlassifikationArchivalie - Korrespondenz
Anzahl/Art/Umfang1 eigenhändiger Brief mit Unterschrift
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