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Bild nicht vorhanden für Luis Buñuel (Regie), SUBIDA AL CIELO, 1952


Titel DeutschWeg, der zum Himmel führt, Der
Regie (1900 - 1983)
BeschreibungEcstatic, a young country boy, Oliverio, can't wait to take his untouched and beautiful newly-wed bride to an offshore islet for their honeymoon. Instead, the unfortunate groom receives the terrible news that his mother is dying--and to further complicate things--he must take a long and dangerous bus trip to the city to contact a notary for his mother's last will and testament. Time is of the essence, and Oliverio's brothers are on pins and needles waiting to sort out the matter. Will Oliverio resist temptation and do the right thing?
KlassifikationTon/bewegtes Bild - Werk
Abteilung FM Filme
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