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Edward Duncan (Künstler*in), Riddlesworth, Winner of the Riddlesworth, The Dinnner, The Two Thousand Guineas, and The Newmarket Stakes in 1831, 1832
Riddlesworth, Winner of the Riddlesworth, The Dinnner, The Two Thousand Guineas, and The Newmarket Stakes in 1831
Riddlesworth, Winner of the Riddlesworth, The Dinnner, The Two Thousand Guineas, and The Newmarket Stakes in 1831
Foto: Kunstpalast (cp)
ObjektnummerK 1933-187

Riddlesworth, Winner of the Riddlesworth, The Dinnner, The Two Thousand Guineas, and The Newmarket Stakes in 1831

Künstler*in (GB, 1803 - 1882)
Künstler*in (GB)
Künstler*in (GB, 1782 - 1860)
Verleger*in (GB, 1793 - 1868)
Material/Technikfarbige Aquatinta, aquarelliert, weiß gehöht
MaßeBlattmaß: 38,8 × 48,4 cm
KlassifikationGrafik - Druckgrafik
Copyright DigitalisatFoto: Kunstpalast (cp)
Institution Kunstpalast
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